Than gargling for children with angina: choose the most effective means

  1. Sore throat in children: symptoms
  2. Efficiency of gargles
  3. How to gargle a child?
  4. The better to gargle for children with angina?
  5. General rules for rinsing
  6. Useful video

Angina   (or acute tonsillitis) - an infectious pathology that affects the tonsils Angina (or acute tonsillitis) - an infectious pathology that affects the tonsils.

The disease is more common in children. It is easier for adults to cope with this problem after a course of antibiotic treatment.

Such drugs are contraindicated in most cases to children, and harmless but effective gargling will be the best way out in such a situation.

Sore throat in children: symptoms

Angina in children more often manifested in the autumn-winter period , when the immune system is weakened, and hypothermia can enhance the activity of pathogenic microflora, which is the causative agent of the disease.

Ailment can affect one child, and can spread throughout the class or group in kindergarten: this disease is easily transmitted by contact , therefore, at the first symptoms it is necessary to isolate the baby from the rest of the children. Ailment can affect one child, and can spread throughout the class or group in kindergarten: this disease is easily transmitted by contact , therefore, at the first symptoms it is necessary to isolate the baby from the rest of the children

Recognize acute tonsillitis by the following features :

  • increase in body temperature to 39 degrees and above;
  • pain when swallowing , which during the progression of the disease grows and become permanent;
  • chills and fever ;
  • enlarged submandibular lymph nodes ;
  • headaches, weakness, lack of appetite and other signs of intoxication;
  • redness of affected tissue ;
  • spread of swelling to the tonsils.

Attention! In some cases, the symptoms of intoxication are quite pronounced and affect not only the throat, but also the cardiovascular system, which is manifested in increased heart rate and lowered blood pressure.

The incubation period of a sore throat , depending on the physiological characteristics of the patient, can last from several hours to three or four days , and just at these stages it is important to apply rinsing to try to eliminate the disease before it has passed into severe form.

Efficiency of gargles

Gargling can be attributed to the methods of official medicine, despite the fact that often this procedure uses compositions that are included in traditional therapy.

But you can not use them as a basis   treatment course:   they only help to eliminate symptoms, but they cannot cope directly with pathogens of the sore throat But you can not use them as a basis treatment course: they only help to eliminate symptoms, but they cannot cope directly with pathogens of the sore throat.

Regardless of whether the use of traditional medicine or medication prescribed by a doctor, solutions can not penetrate deeply into the affected tissue, and this is what is needed to eliminate infectious foci.

Such procedures can only be used as a supplement as part of a comprehensive drug treatment, in which physiotherapeutic procedures and weak antibiotics can be prescribed.

Important! Rinses can speed up the healing process, provided that this is an additional measure, but as a basic tool such procedures have almost zero efficiency.

How to gargle a child?

Children under five or six years old are very hard to train to rinse.

Firstly, they subconsciously fear any medical procedures, and secondly they are inclined to accept any phenomena in the form of a game.

Since rinsing has very little to do with the games, this procedure is of no interest.

In this regard, you can give parents the following recommendations that will help teach your child to gargle: In this regard, you can give parents the following recommendations that will help teach your child to gargle:

  1. If you approach the rinses from the point of view of the game - you can dream up about the game of aliens who do not speak in the usual way, but gurgle (such a sound is made when rinsing).
  2. Parents should be directly involved in the process : you will have to gargle together to show him that the solution for the procedures is completely safe.
    Since most of all children trust only their parents, such a reception will in most cases have an impact.
  3. Instead of rinsing solutions that may have an unpleasant odor, you can start by using regular boiled water or any drink that pleases a child.

Need to know! The main thing to remember about two important nuances in teaching the child to rinse: you need to ensure that the baby does not choke, and at the same time not attach great importance to the procedure.

It is necessary to try to convince the child that this is not a painful procedure , but a quite ordinary process that is completely safe and should not be afraid of it.

The better to gargle for children with angina?

When angina is first necessary to use medications , which are prescribed by the doctor.

Among these drugs recommended for children, experts recommend the following types of solutions:

  1. Hexoral.
    Reddish solution with the smell of mint on the basis of the active ingredient hexethidine.
    It is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, effective in angina of bacterial origin.
    It is used only in complex treatment for children aged three years and older.
    In medical practice, there are no descriptions of the side effects that have occurred, therefore, doctors prescribe Hexoral, regardless of the presence or absence of contraindications.
  2. Yoks
    The drug is based on allantoid and iodine, which simultaneously has an antiseptic and healing effect.
    The only contraindication to the use - pathological processes affecting the thyroid gland.
  3. Tantum Verde.
    A greenish drug with a mint sign, based on the substance benzydamine, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.
    Additionally, the drug has a slight analgesic effect on the affected tissue.
    One of the most effective means that helps well to stop symptoms of tonsillitis of any form.
  4. Furacilin (hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine).
    Soft antiseptic, no side effects.
    Mainly used as an antiseptic with complex treatment. Best suited for the treatment of purulent tonsillitis.
  5. Cider vinegar solution.
    A teaspoon of this product is diluted with a glass. boiled water and used to rinse as an effective antiseptic.
  6. Solutions based on baking soda and cooking (or sea) soda.
    This tool is easy to prepare at home.
    A teaspoon of salt is added to two glasses of water; if soda is used, a teaspoon of such a product is diluted in one glass of water. Rinsing with such tools can be done 3-4 times a day.
  7. Green tea with salt.
    To prepare this product, add a teaspoon of salt to a freshly brewed glass of green tea.

Caution! The last three prescriptions belong to traditional medicine and must be used with caution, especially since the salt in any of these formulations will have a draining effect on the mucous membrane of the throat.

For this reason, the child during the treatment process must observe the drinking regime, consuming up to one liter of water and other drinks per day, and rinsing with any salt solutions must be alternated with the use of medical solutions.

Rinsing with decoctions on the basis of medicinal plants will be a good addition ; it behaves especially well as a remedy for sore throats Rinsing with decoctions on the basis of medicinal plants will be a good addition ; it behaves especially well as a remedy for sore throats   chamomile chamomile.

A tablespoon of this herb is brewed in a glass of boiling water, after complete cooling the solution is filtered, and the resulting liquid can gargle two or three times a day.

If you are allergic to chamomile, you can use rosehip, sage, eucalyptus, calendula, plantain or elderberry instead, making them in the same amount.

General rules for rinsing

The effectiveness of treatment directly depends on the correctness of the procedure .

Note! To achieve the maximum effect, you must follow a few simple rules that you should definitely teach the child (especially for young children).

When rinsing the head, it is necessary to throw it back as far as possible so that the remedy gets on the tonsils, while during the procedure it is important to make any vowel sounds: this will allow the fluid to wash the glands deeper and completely.

Regardless of the composition, the prepared solution should be allowed to cool: it must be above room temperature ( approximately 40 degrees ).

If the remedy is too hot or very cold, it will only irritate the throat mucosa. If the remedy is too hot or very cold, it will only irritate the throat mucosa

Rinsing should be performed as often as possible, especially in the first three or four days of the disease . The optimal mode - rinse every three hours, and the procedure should last at least two minutes.

Even if the funds are made from natural ingredients, it should not be swallowed , since in this case pathogenic microorganisms can get into the stomach.

If, however, accidentally swallow drugs - perhaps the negative impact of active substances on the level of acidity in the stomach.

Upon completion of the procedure, it is necessary to refrain from eating food or any liquids for the next 30 minutes, as drinking and food will remove medical substances from the surface of the throat that settle on the mucous membrane during rinsing.

Useful video

In this video, you will learn how to treat a baby’s throat, which gargle is useful:

For treating sore throats in children, the use of rinses is the preferred option, and sometimes (but rarely) such a procedure may be enough to eliminate the negative symptoms and heal quickly, using a benign medication by the doctor.

But if you neglect drug therapy and rely only on gargling, the disease will continue to progress, although it will slow as a result of gargling.

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The better to gargle for children with angina?
How to gargle a child?
The better to gargle for children with angina?
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