The baby tooth did not fall out, but the new one is already growing: will this affect the child's molars?

  1. Age at which the loss of milk teeth begins
  2. The sequence of replacement of milk teeth on permanent
  3. Possible abnormalities
  4. Incorrect drop sequence
  5. Premature tooth tooth loss
  6. The baby tooth staggers, but does not fall out, and the new one is already growing
  7. Other pathologies
  8. What to do if teeth do not cut through on schedule?
  9. When should I go to the dentist?
  10. How to care for the hole after the loss of the baby tooth?

Changing teeth is a natural stage of growing up of any child. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for a baby tooth to falter, but it has not yet fallen out, but a root tooth is already growing in its place. There is also a reverse situation: how does premature loss affect the quality of molars of children? This kind of deviation is due to various reasons that parents should be aware of.

Age at which the loss of milk teeth begins

The most common period for replacing milk teeth with permanent ones is 6 years. In general, by the age of 13-14, a person does not have milk teeth, and they are replaced by primary ones.

Timing depends on the following factors:

In addition, the period depends on the condition of the teeth and how early they erupted. The state of health of the child at this moment plays an important role.

The sequence of replacement of milk teeth on permanent

The order of change of milk teeth, depending on age:

It is important to clarify that the weakening of the roots begins much earlier than the specified dates. A tooth can stagger for a long time and generally takes from 1 to 3 years.

Possible abnormalities

The process of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones is often overshadowed by certain difficulties and deviations from the norm The process of replacing milk teeth with permanent ones is often overshadowed by certain difficulties and deviations from the norm. Parents need to be prepared in advance for such situations in order to react and provide timely assistance.

The causes of pathology can be both natural factors and inattention to the child during this period. It is important to observe what is happening and at the first sign of irregularities, contact your dentist.

Incorrect drop sequence

The order of loss of milk teeth is established by nature, but there are situations in which such a sequence is disturbed. In such cases, you must visit a specialist and consult on this issue. Most often, there is no violation of any threats, but a timely visit to the orthodontist will not only benefit, but also calm parental unrest.

Premature tooth tooth loss

If a root does not appear for a long time at the site of a lost baby tooth, we can talk about such a deviation as premature tooth loss If a root does not appear for a long time at the site of a lost baby tooth, we can talk about such a deviation as premature tooth loss. When and why does this happen? Causes may be maternal toxicosis, genetic predisposition, infections carried by the child, rickets.

In addition, the problem may indicate the presence of pathologies:

  1. Retention It consists in a delay in the eruption of a permanent bite.
  2. Adentia, means the complete absence of bite, due to the death of its primord even during his stay in the womb.

How much does it cost to sound an alarm? If after the loss of the baby tooth for 9-12 months there is no permanent eruption, you will need to consult a doctor.

The baby tooth staggers, but does not fall out, and the new one is already growing

Pathology is called "shark teeth" and occurs more often than other abnormalities. In such cases, the baby tooth still staggers, not thinking of leaving its own place, and the permanent tooth is already cutting nearby. Most often, the second row is observed from the inside of the jaw and in appearance resembles a shark's mouth.

Deviation, when the molar grows, in the presence of loose, does not cause any particular difficulties. If it is noticed that the old tooth does not fall out, and the new one is already growing, you should not panic, but if the shift does not occur within 3 months, you should visit the doctor (we recommend reading: What to do when a child has first teeth? ).

Other pathologies

In addition to the most common pathologies, there are other violations of the process of changing teeth:

  1. Curvature of the teeth. Arises due to early loss of teeth, while the permanent ones do not even think of growing. In such cases, the adjacent teeth are shifted, occupy the emerging voids. At this time, the beginner growth of a new tooth unfolds perpendicular to the rest, is placed crookedly, moving forward beyond the limits of the row.
  2. The occurrence of hematoma. Rare pathology, formed in the form of a red or bluish vial on the edge of the gums. Relieve pain can be with gels and pastes.

Also, some children may have a fever and excessive pain. If the child feels bad, you should visit a specialist who will give competent recommendations.

What to do if teeth do not cut through on schedule?

The teething schedule is rather blurry The teething schedule is rather blurry. So, in some children, the process may begin earlier, in others later. Worry is not worth it. Most often, nature takes its toll and replacement takes place in a positive way. What to do if the teething schedule is broken? Wait a bit, but do not forget about the increased attention and observation of the process in accordance with the structure of the appearance of teeth.

When should I go to the dentist?

The main factors that encourage you to go to the dentist's office are:

  • severe pain after a fall;
  • swelling of the gums;
  • bleeding more than a day;
  • inflammation of the gums.

Also, early loss, displacement, delay in the loss of a baby tooth with an already growing indigenous one - these factors require mandatory consultation of a specialist. Timely diagnosis will help avoid further health problems.

How to care for the hole after the loss of the baby tooth?

Care after the fallout:

  1. Place a piece of sterile cotton on a bleeding wound and press it down a little. After 5-7 minutes the bleeding will stop.
  2. To exclude food intake within 2 hours.
  3. Rinse the mouth after each meal with warm water or decoction of chamomile.

In the event of a high temperature, swelling of the gums and severe pain, you must immediately visit a specialist. A thorough inspection will allow the doctor to make prescriptions to alleviate the condition of the child.

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When should I go to the dentist?
How to care for the hole after the loss of the baby tooth?
There is also a reverse situation: how does premature loss affect the quality of molars of children?
When and why does this happen?
How much does it cost to sound an alarm?
What to do if teeth do not cut through on schedule?
What to do if the teething schedule is broken?
When should I go to the dentist?
How to care for the hole after the loss of the baby tooth?