Pain in osteoarthritis of the knee joint - a certified method of deliverance. - Restoration of joints and spine

Is it possible to get rid of pain in case of arthrosis of the knee joint in a short time and forever

Is it possible to get rid of pain in case of arthrosis of the knee joint in a short time and forever? Yes it is real. One condition - it is necessary to treat with the help of shock wave therapy - shock wave therapy.

What is the difference of this method from others? The difference is fundamental. The fact is that at the present time, arthrosis from the very beginning is considered to be an incurable disease by conservative therapy. Therefore, the goal pursued by the doctor is to halt the development of this degenerative disease:

  • remove inflammation;

  • reduce pain;

  • slow the development of pathology.

To do this, use a powerful arsenal of tools. We give them a very short list:

  • medical preparations (painkillers and anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, creams, hormonal and usual injections into the joint cavity, administration inside the joint fluid, as well as chondroprotectors, which are designed to restore cartilage tissue);

  • Medical and physical education classes are a very important element of the rehabilitation period. It allows you to strengthen the muscular corset around the affected joint, strengthen its nutrition, blood flow and drainage of toxins. One of the highly effective domestic techniques is practiced in kinesitherapy centers. Bubnovsky S.M. ;

  • massage;

  • manual techniques and acupuncture;

  • physio - procedures (laser, paraffin, magnet; electrophoresis);

  • orthopedic appliances - orthoses, shoe insoles and canes;

  • surgical intervention (organ - preserving and with the replacement of the knee joint).

All this powerful set of techniques can only reduce pain in the knee joint and slow down the development of arthrosis. But do not cure him. The reason is that it is impossible to restore cartilage without creating a powerful capillary network around the joint. In addition, it is necessary to remember about the harm to the body when using hormonal agents and NSAIDs.

The method of shock - wave therapy is aimed precisely at increasing the capillary network and at the same time - at relieving pain syndrome. It allows for a relatively short time to get rid of arthrosis in principle. Along the way, reducing the amount of medication taken or eliminating them completely. At the same time, the most important result of treatment for a sick person is achieved: the course of UHT creates conditions for refusing knee surgery in ninety percent of cases.

At the same time, the most important result of treatment for a sick person is achieved: the course of UHT creates conditions for refusing knee surgery in ninety percent of cases

The author of the national theory of shock wave therapy, doctor of medical sciences, professor Titov Victor Vyacheslavovich In its medical center for more than a decade, people have been returning the joy of the possibility of full movement. Without suffering.

When considering the problem of treating osteoarthritis, he shifts the focus of attention from the joint itself to the soft tissues surrounding it. It is here, as he believes, that the cause of the pain lies.

The shock wave therapy method is based on the effect of cavitation. The shock wave of a range below 10 Hz freely passes through healthy tissue without damaging them. The plane of the membranes of diseased cells is not permeable to it. It successfully amazes their pathological structures.

Under the influence of cavitation around the problem joint, the following positive changes occur:

  • a new capillary network is formed;

  • internal scars are absorbed - fibrosis, calcification and myogelozy. As a result, foci of potential inflammation disappear and the pains ;

  • starts the process of rehabilitation of the functioning of muscles, ligaments and tendons;

  • nutrition of cartilage and bone tissue is improved with their gradual recovery;

  • the metabolism of the entire articular joint increases.

The course consists of seven - nine procedures. They are carried out on imported medical equipment. Treatment by patients is perceived rather easily. And after receiving the initial positive results - just with enthusiasm. Already after the first session, the pain syndrome is significantly reduced.

Abroad, the fight against arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joint using the UHT method has already been widely practiced. Due to this, bringing the patient to surgery there is extremely rare. But domestic medicine today in this area is at the forefront. At the same time maintaining more reasonable prices for treatment.

Is it possible to get rid of pain in case of arthrosis of the knee joint in a short time and forever?
What is the difference of this method from others?