How allergic to laundry detergent in a child: photo and symptoms

  1. Causes of Intolerance
  2. The difference between children's and adult products
  3. Symptoms and signs
  4. Treatment
  5. Preparations
  6. Folk remedies
  7. How to wash?
  8. How to choose a hypoallergenic powder?
  9. Top best

Allergy to laundry detergent occurs in children quite often .

This is due to weakened immunity, hypersensitivity to the components of the powder.

However, there are quite a few additional factors that can lead to allergic reaction .

Before starting treatment, you should carefully read them . About the causes of powder allergy in a child, let's talk further.

What diapers most often have an allergic reaction? Learn about it from our articles .

Causes of Intolerance

Causes of Intolerance

The main causes of the disease are:

  1. Bleaches, phosphates, flavors in the powder.
  2. Chemical components.
  3. Weakened immunity.
  4. Heredity.
  5. Hypersensitivity of the body.

Allergens are the components of the powder. Various chemicals can remain on the surface of clothes after washing.

In contact with the delicate skin of the child, fabrics with such substances cause itching and redness .

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The difference between children's and adult products

Manufacturers of children's powders are trying to make products for children the most natural . Usually in the composition of children's powders there are no flavors, and the chemical components are replaced with natural ones.

This reduces the likelihood of allergies several times. Adult products are usually filled with phosphates, bleach, flavors .

Adult products are usually filled with phosphates, bleach, flavors

An adult's body is stronger, therefore it does not react to such substances with allergies.

The child due to these substances will have a strong allergic reaction .

That is why allergists recommend washing baby's clothes with baby powder.

What to feed the baby if he is allergic to the mixture? Answer find out right now.

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Symptoms and signs

How is allergic to detergent in children? Symptoms include:

  • severe itching and rash after the child has put on clean clothes;
  • swelling of the respiratory tract, cough. On the fabric of clothing can be particles of powder. Inhaling them, allergens enter the child’s body. They cause severe swelling and shortness of breath;
  • weakness, drowsiness;
  • tearfulness and irritability;
  • nausea, dizziness.

Doctors allergists emit several signs of allergies. Among them - frequent sneezing and nasal congestion .

If the child put on clean clothes and after some time began to sneeze often - this is a sure sign of an allergy.

What does a child's allergy to powder look like? Photo :

You can learn about the causes and symptoms of allergy to laundry detergent in this video:

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Children can be cured with medicines and folk remedies. For this you need to carefully read the instructions for use.

Read about the symptoms and treatment of gluten allergy in babies. here .


The first thing the child needs to take drugs that eliminate itching, swelling and rashes . These include:

  • Zodak;
  • Tavegil;
  • Claritin.

Zodak;   Tavegil;   Claritin

Take medication in half a tablet twice a day.

You can not use the above drugs for more than five days .

If the child has nasal congestion, runny nose, use Naphthyzinum or Galazolin drops .

Enough to bury them in the nose in the morning and evening. Allergic reaction will disappear in 3-5 days.

Painful areas of skin are treated with ointments:

  • Lorinden;
  • Bepanten;
  • Flucinar;
  • La Cree.

Apply the product should be on damaged skin twice a day.

After 2-3 days, the result will be noticeable: the rash will almost disappear, the skin will no longer itch. The child's well-being will improve significantly.

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Folk remedies

  1. It is recommended for the treatment of rash to use compresses of calendula tincture . To do this, mix a glass of boiling water and a large spoonful of chopped herbs. It is infused for at least thirty minutes, then filtered. The finished medicine is used in the form of compresses. A cotton disc is placed into the solution, then it is applied to painful areas of the skin for ten minutes . Then the cotton pad is removed, and the skin is lightly rubbed with a napkin. It is necessary to carry out the procedure twice a day.
  2. Rejuvenate the child, help the infusion recover from the series . To do this, in a glass of boiling water dissolve a large spoonful of chopped herbs. The components must be thoroughly mixed, the solution is infused for at least an hour, then filtered. Take the drug should be 1/3 cup twice a day before meals.
  3. Relieves itching, inflammation of the skin ice . To do this, a small ice cube is wrapped in a napkin and applied for a minute to the sore spot . Next you need to take a break for five minutes, then ice is again applied to the damaged place for a minute. It is very important to cool the skin slightly. Do not apply ice for too much time, otherwise the procedure will bring complications. Cold removes burning and itching, helps to cure the epidermis.
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How to wash?

Clothes, bedding should be washed from time to time, this process is indispensable. It is very important to choose the right washing powder .

It is necessary to wash the child’s clothes with products that do not contain phosphates, flavors.

It is recommended to purchase products that are designed for washing children's clothes . Manufacturers of such powders carefully select the components, avoid chemicals, and this reduces the likelihood of allergies.

Among the Russian manufacturers, the Eared Nanny powder has gained great popularity, it is recommended by allergists. One of the best means of foreign manufacturers is Baby Bon Automat .

Recommendations Pediatricians for the treatment of milk allergy in children can be found on our website.

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How to choose a hypoallergenic powder?

How to choose a hypoallergenic powder

Choosing a product for washing children's clothes should be carefully.

It is recommended when choosing a powder to carefully study its composition. It must be natural ingredients. Flavoring agents and chemicals in the composition of the powder should not be.

Before going to the store, experts advise to read reviews about children's powders on the Internet . It is necessary to know the opinion of not only allergologists, but also buyers.

It is recommended to rinse clothes thoroughly even after baby powder. We must not forget that when using the powder there should not be a baby nearby.

Even a “safe” baby powder can cause an allergic reaction if a child inhales large quantities of powder vapors.

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Top best

Allergists distinguish the best children's washing powders:

  1. Burti.
  2. Eared nannies.
  3. Tobbi Kids.
  4. The world of childhood.
  5. Sodasan.
  6. Babyline.
  7. Luxus.
  8. Frosch.
  9. Pigeon.
  10. Aistenok.


The rating was compiled by experts based on research, customer reviews .

The composition of these funds are not phosphates, harmful substances for the child's body. They can be bought and used for washing children's clothes.

Thus, allergy to detergent in children occurs frequently . The disease is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Having begun treatment on time, the child will quickly recover.

It is very important to choose the right powder to prevent the recurrence of allergies.

The recipe for homemade hypoallergenic powder in this video:

How to choose a hypoallergenic powder?
What diapers most often have an allergic reaction?
What to feed the baby if he is allergic to the mixture?
What does a child's allergy to powder look like?